La Pyramide Du Couplé. 18.09.2023

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Mise en ligne, la veille de la course: 22:30/23.00h


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Arrivée 10 12 5 6 4

       (Calcul sur 16 Chevaux)C

1er Sélection

La Pyramide du Couplé

4 8
12 5 10 1
Tocards 3 11


2ième Sélection

7 13
12 10 5 1
Tocards 3 11

2 commentaires sur « La Pyramide Du Couplé. 18.09.2023 »

  1. you make a mistake, why do you remove the 12 numbers below the pyramide couple
    i think your good work and your best pronostic comes out from that place

    see the exaple, you use to write it

    5 4 7 9 8 3
    6 10 1 11 13 2

    thank you for your understanding

    1. Good morning,
      There is no error, the calculation is the same.
      For this day, old painting
      2 4 8 12 5 3
      2 4 8 10 1 11
      There are actually 2 4 8 12 5 10 1 3 11
      For the new table we only put the 2 4 8 once
      Which give
      4 8
      12 5 10 1
      3 11

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